Some of our branches will be working on limited opening hours for Vet appointments. To find out more, please click here 

Once your animal’s disease or condition has been assessed, our vet at Palmerston Vets may recommend an appropriate medicine to treat the ailment. As the owner, you will be fully advised on how to administer the drug with advice on warnings or contraindications.

If your pet is prescribed ongoing medication, we will need to monitor the disease on a regular basis. We will have to re-examine them every three months for you to obtain repeat prescriptions.

Please allow 2 working days’ notice for medications or written prescriptions.

Prescriptions are available from this practice.

You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines Veterinary, (POM-Vs) from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a written prescription and obtain these medicines from another alternative source.

Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM-Vs only for animals under their care.

A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.

You will be informed of the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal.

Our practice policy states that no medicine shall be dispensed unless the animal has been examined within the following periods.


FLEA AND WORM PRODUCTS (POM-V)                      12 MONTHS

Please note that these are the maximum period and for guidance, there will be many circumstances in which a shorter period is more appropriate. Longer periods may also be permitted only in the responsibility of the veterinary surgeon.

A full consultation will be charged for this examination- please ask a member of the team for the current charge.

A fee is charged for the writing and creation of the written prescription letter. Please ask a member of our team for the current charge.

Please note that in general, insurance companies will not pay this prescription fee.

Food and medications can be ordered online via the following link:

Order Food and Medications – Palmerston Veterinary Group (

As a Veterinary Group, we maintain the highest standards of care for your pet. Routine surgery is undertaken at all four practices. You can rest assured your pet will get our very best of attention under our care.

Procedures will be fully explained to you by our staff ahead of surgery. We carry out a rigorous anaesthetic protocol and your pet will be fully monitored.